
Nazar, Nazar to the end

Duration2 hour 30 minute

Who will be the king, and will there even be one?
Years pass, but Nazar remains the same. A ruler who ascended to the throne by a whim of fate is nothing but an ignorant fraudster, constantly followed by his likes…
The play discusses the idea of human eternity, which is always accompanied by incomplete logic.
By breaking the created illusion, you become a witness to a reality that is fake, shiny on the outside but hiding numerous inconsistencies within. 


Ara Ernjakyan 
Author and Director
Vahe Grigoryan
Musical director


To arms!

Duration2 hour 10 minute

“To arms! There is so much impulse and power in this short phrase. Few languages possess the expressiveness found in these two Armenian words. It’s a mad heroic march that rallies armies, directs them, compels them to storm, and leads to a certain victory. It’s a call, obeying the sacred meaning of which, intoxicated by Armenian fury, armies moved towards the borders of Armenia without fearing to face death.
The heroes of this story are people who have dreamed of peace since time immemorial. They seek ways to work, live, and create. Unfortunately, the leaders of great nations shout and make decisions that are unacceptable and incomprehensible to this people.”


Ara Yernjakyan
Dramaturg and Director


Caesar’s feast

Duration1 hour 40 minute

When Nero was born, his father exclaimed, “I don’t think anything produced by me and Agrippina could possibly be good for the state or the people.” This is the story of Seneca, Nero’s teacher, who dreamt of raising a teenager who would respect the Senate and the ancient laws of Rome. He hoped that Nero would grow into a kind-hearted leader and leave behind the cruel times of former Caesars. “Once you’ve tasted what it’s like to be a god, you’ll never stop.”
The play retains its relevance to this day and will endure forever because human nature never changes; it perpetually seeks ultimate power.


Ara Yernjakyan
Author of the hypothesis


Birth Certificate

Duration1 hour 35 minute

What’s the national ideology of Armenian people? What are the main goals? In which way should we take the path and what are the main obstacles in that road?
“The Birth Certificate” – the history of the origin and formation of the Armenian people, where answers to the most pressing questions of our birth certificate are heard: “When, where, and how did the Armenian people come into existence?”


Ara Ernjakyan
Dramaturg and Director
Vahe Grigoryan
Musical arrangement


“Guys Cross the Borders, or Etude About Women”

Անպատասխանատու ներկայացում
Պիեսի հեղինակ՝ Արա Երնջակյան:
Բեմադրող ռեժիսոր՝ Արշալույս Հարությունյան
Պրեմիերան կայացել է 07.03.19 Երևանում

Ռաֆայել Երանոսյան
Սենիկ Բարսեղյան
Ներսես Մարկոսյան

“…Ոչ բոլոր կանայք են գեղեցիկ։ Լինում են նաև չնաշխարհի՜կ գեղեցկուհիներ։
Չկա՛ն տգեղ կանայք։
Կան կարճատե՛ս տղամարդիկ”:

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Retro photoshoot

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Summer photoshoot

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Calendar photoshoot

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“ERKAT” Cultural Centre

The opening ceremony of cultural center “ERKAT” took place in Yerevan State Chamber Theatre on 10.03.2009.
The idea of Ara Yernjakyan, the Artistic Director of Chamber Theatre, to create a club, where representatives of creative intelligentsia would come together to discuss problems and achievements, brought together a great number of stakeholders. Hence, it was possible to actualize the wonderful idea, given the active support of Ministry of Culture of Republic of Armenia.
The Club “ERKAT” has put forward the following objectives:

  • To actively  advocate for our national heritage;
  • To contribute to vast participation of youth in cultural life of our country;
  • To respectively present national cultural centers, emphasizing the importance of their activity;
  • To contribute to reconsideration of current evaluation criteria regarding the activity of creative workers;
  • To create a  united and harmonious cultural environment in Armenia;
  • To support the promotion and growth of creative youth.

Club discussions were highly successful and since January 2010, “Dispute in Club “ERKAT” has been channeled through the cultural TV channel “Ararat” twice a month, as well as through the satellite channel embracing the whole audience of the Public Television of RA.