
2010 – Certificate of Honor from the Mayor of Yerevan,
2013 – Gold Medal from the Ministry of Culture of RA,
2013 – Honored Actor of RA.
Grigor Baghdasaryan’s acting career began in the studio of the Chamber Theatre. Only after completing two-year courses and becoming part of the theatre’s repertoire did he decide to enroll in the theatre institute. He has performed in productions such as “Titanic, Made in Armenia,” “Neron,” “Bedford Drive 610: I Am American,” “Miss Hell,” “Sassoon David Copperfield,” “Anter Ground,” “Cabaret,” “Government Concert,” “To Arms,” “Albania+,” “Very Love Story,” “Etude About Women,” “Romeo and Juliet,” “Hamlet,” “Caesar’s Feast,” and others.
Grigor Baghdasaryan presented a solo performance, “Childhood for 2 Dollars,” based on Arthur Miller’s play “Death of a Salesman.”
He has appeared in films directed by Ara Ernjakyan, including “Deadline: 7 Days,” “Armenikum UPSA,” “Zhanna,” as well as numerous other artistic films and TV projects like “Instead of Another,” “Honest Thieves,” “Roots,” “North-South,” “Be Happy,” “Agent 044,” “Game of Chess,” “Accidental Happiness,” “Ambush,” “Angel School,” “The Secret of Shahmara,” “Elen’s Diary,” “Purgatory,” “See You in the Cabin in the Woods,” “In the City,” “Involuntary Millionaire,” “Anna,” “Artist,” “Open Your Eyes,” “Lucky,” “Avenger,” and many more.
Baghdasaryan has also performed in improvisational plays “And Then” and “After 40 Days of Ascension.”
He is the author and performer of more than 50 songs, for which he has been awarded certificates from the Armenian song festivals “Sayat-Nova” and “Krunk.”
Grigor Baghdasaryan is a member of the Union of Theatre Workers.