


Production design:
Rafael Khachaturyan
Hakob Karanfilyan
“ERKAT” Production


Ani Grigoryan, Andranik Harutyunyan, Rafael Yeranosyan, Senik Barseghyan, Mkhitar Avetisyan, Luiza Nersisyan, Irina Danielyan, Arsen Grigoryan, Sergey Danielyan, Manuk Hakhverdyan, Richard Madlenyan and others. 


Ara Yernjakyan
Scriptwriter and Director

This famous story occurred almost 600 years ago. France was at war with England, and one day, an 18-year-old girl named Joan, showing amazing courage, freed the city of Orleans. For this heroism, she was nicknamed the Maid of Orleans.
Two years later, Joan of Arc was accused of witchcraft and burned at the stake on May 30, 1431.
Over the centuries, this story has been filled with many myths and fabrications. Today we offer you a new version. Some may find it very incredible and far from reality, but considering the amazing manifestations of modern society, we believe that it also has the right to life.
It can be confidently said that viewers, whose names will lead to a traditional interpretation of 15th-century French history, are in for a big surprise, but since it turns out that the basis of the film is a comedy of the same name by the famous director and playwright Ara Yernjakyan, everything falls into place.
“Joan” is the most chauvinistic comedy of Armenian cinema, openly telling about the moral character of Armenia, which is higher than the value systems of many emerging European nations.
The film is a unique advertisement for the Armenian man, who, unfortunately, is gradually disappearing like a dinosaur.
And this is a threat not only to Armenia but also to the entire world.
From June 11 to July 1, 2014, the shooting of the feature film “Joan” took place.
February 26, 2015 – The premiere of the feature film comedy “Joan” took place in the “Big Hall” of the “Moscow” cinema.
…More than 600 years ago, when France was at war with England, an event took place that is still shrouded in many uncertainties, myths, and fabrications: the story of 18-year-old Joan of Arc, whose incredible feat freed the city of Orleans, and she was proclaimed the Maid of Orleans. But then the same Joan was accused of witchcraft, and she met her death at the stake of the Inquisition.
Throughout the centuries, there have been many mentions of this story, offering different, even unimaginable versions of what happened. Therefore, this hypothesis also has a right to life, although some may find it incredible and far from reality. The fact is that here, with the characteristic lightness and playfulness of the comedy genre, but very clearly, the author addresses the extremely topical issues for us: this is the observation of the special inner worlds of both women and men, peculiar and often contradictory psychological structures.
This project stands out among domestic comedies both in terms of plot solutions and the problem it faces, when full-scale laughter also has a soulful effect and is intended, in addition to entertainment, to wake up and sober up. 



The film is dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide.


Melissa Brown, Zhanna Tamizyan, Sofik Sargsyan, Vigen Stepanyan, Aram Karakhanyan, Natela Hovhannesova, Senik Harutyunyan.


Ara Yernjakyan
Scriptwriter and Director

Every unpunished crime begets a new one. When the human in a person darkens, the beast in him awakens, and the entire history of humanity is a bright proof of that. And the heaviest burden, the cruelest blow in all this falls on children, whose maimed destinies in an instant find themselves in the abyss.
In the short artistic film “Eclipse,” Western Armenia is depicted in the context of the events of 1915. The goal of this film about the Armenian Genocide is to renounce any violence and cruelty, especially towards children.
The plot of the film is complex, psychological, and influential. A painful and realistic image is created on the screen in just a few minutes. innocent victims of crimes, children, deprived of parents and family, whose mutilated destinies in an instant find themselves in the abyss. The slogan of the film is: “Every unpunished crime begets a new one, when humanity in a person darkens, and the entire history of humanity is a bright proof of that”.

The movie “Eclipse” was presented:

13-15.05.2013 – Shooting of the featurette (short film) “Eclipse”.
26.06.2013 – The premiere of the short film “Eclipse”. Scriptwriter and film director – Ara Yernjakyan.
09-11.07.2013 – The short film Ara Yernjakyan “Eclipse” was presented in the competition program “Armenian Panorama” of the 10th International Film Festival “Golden Apricot”.
14.05.2014 – Ara Yernjakyan presented his feature short film “Eclipse” at the 15th International Film Festival of short films «Corti Da Sogni Antonio Ricci» in Ravenna (Italy), held on 14-17 May 2014.
Members of the jury emphasized the work of Ara Yernjakyan, assessing it as “a film shot with a worthy skill, containing a special message of the world about the horrors of war and the devastating consequences of the last especially for children”.
24.06.2014 – On 24th June 2014 in a special program devoted to the 100th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide (Program “Memorial of truth”), at the Annual International Festival of Modern Art and Spiritual and Moral Films “FRESCO” (Armenia, Yerevan) was presented Ara Yernjakyan’s short film “Eclipse”.
In the category Best Festival message: “The damaged needs to recover”, recognized the best short film “Eclipse”, Armenia, 2013, Scriptwriter and film director – Ara Yernjakyan. Diploma:    “Awarded to the participant of the “Fresco” Annual International Festival of Modern Art and Spiritual-Moral Films. The author of  “Eclipse” film Ara Yernjakyan is known as a winner in “The damaged needs to recover” nomination.
15.11.2014 – A short film by Ara Yernjakyan “Eclipse” was presented at the 17th Annual Arpa International Film Festival (The Spielberg Theatre, Egyptian, Hollywood).
23.03.2015 – On the Parisian “Europe Film Act” International Film Festival (Paris, France, Festival de films de la Grande Europe L’Europe Autour de l’Europe “Corps et Âmes”, 10-ème édition, Paris, 2015) within the program “Never Again” of the “Golden Apricot” Film Festival dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide, Ara Yernjakyan presented his short film “Eclipse”.
* The program “Never Again” was also presented Ara Yernjakyan’s short film “Eclipse” during film screenings dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide:
– on February 24 in the capital of Belarus – Minsk;
– in Berlin, During the month of the Armenian culture in Germany under the headline “Petition” (March 7 – April 6, 2015);
– during the Vilnius Kino Pavasaris 20th jubilee International Film Festival (Lithuania, March 29, 2015).
04.07.2015 – Russian Federation, Vologda; The short feature film “Eclipse” (director and screenwriter Ara Yernjakyan), dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide, was presented at the VI VOICES (Vologda Independent Cinema from European Screens) International Festival of feature films.
15.07.2015 – As part of the non-competitive film program “We Exist” of 12th Yerevan International Film Festival “Golden Apricot”, dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide in the Ottoman Empire, has been shown short film “Eclipse” by Ara Yernjakyan.
09–19.10.2015 – As part of the International Film Festival “Religion Today Film Festival”, which took place in Italy from 9 to 19 October 2015, on October 11 in Trento, on October 23 in Argo and on October 19 in Merano, was presented the short feature film “Eclipse”, film director and screenwriter Ara Yernjakyan, dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide.
22.11.2015 – Short feature film “Eclipse”, screenwriter and film director Ara Yernjakyan, was presented in Toronto (Canada) at the 10th Pomegranate Film Festival, POM-X at Toronto Chapter of the Hamazkayin Armenian Educational and Cultural Society.
18.01.2016 – The short feature film “Eclipse” (director and screenwriter Ara Yernjakyan), dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide, was presented on 14th Dhaka International Film Festival (Bangladesh).
16.03.2016 – New York, USA; Ara Yernjakyan’s short film “Eclipse”, dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide, was presented on New York SR – Socially Relevant Film Festival.
Short film “Eclipse” was awarded the Best Narrative Short Award.
24.04.2017 – A short film by Ara Yernjakyan “Eclipse” was presented at the First Annual Armenian Film Festival in Los Angeles (AFFINLA) at The Writers Guild of America.

Armenicum UPSA


DOP: Vardan Kalashayn
Production Designer: Yevgenia Podpomogova
Production: “ERKAT” Production


H.Toxatyan, A.Ghazaryan, E.Manaryan, S.Stepanyan, M.Dolmazyan, G.Amiragov, A.Arutunyan, K.Manasyan, A.Artsruni, G.Baghdasaryan,A. Laray, L.Kirakosyan etc.


Ara Yernjakyan
Scriptwriter and Director

“ARMENIKUM UPSA” is a humorous film about how agents of foreign intelligence services attempt to kidnap and seize a drug discovered by Armenians against AIDS, and how the Armenian intelligence agencies fight against them…

Term: 7 Days


Production designer: E.Sargsyan
Composer: A.Kartalyan
Production: “ERKAT” Production


Nora Armani (USA) and Ashot Adamyan (Armenia).


Ara Yernjakyan
Scriptwriter and Director

A man and a woman. Their meeting, love, and separation against the backdrop of a city destroyed by lies and violence.
Well, the Earth is round, so moving forward means coming back…
For this reason, no one is surprised by the appearance of legionnaires on the street, the 30 pieces of silver, for which “worthy” students sign up on the list, and even the aspiring prophet, crucified in modern surgery…
Alas, each generation deserves its teachers.
And each of us has 7 days until the flood…

The film “TERM: 7 days” received widespread resonance at many film festivals around the world.

1991 – Premiere at the “House of Cinema” in Yerevan.
1992 – Broadcast in the “Elite Cinema” section of Central Television of Russia.
1992 – Screening at the “Central House of Cinematographers” in Moscow.
1992 – Sochi, Russia, National Film Festival “Kinotavr-92”.
1992 – Moscow, International Film Festival “Debut”. Diploma of cinema debuts. 

1992 – USA, “The 6th American Film Institute International Film Festival” 92. A Tribute to Armenian cinema.
1992 – Washington, USA, “American Film Institute at The Kennedy Center”.
1992 – Germany, “8-Ost-West Film Fest Wiesbaden”.
1993 – USA, “16th Annual Portland International Film Festival”.
1993 – Yerevan, Festival-Competition of film debuts. Sympathy Award of the Stanislavski and Vakhtangov Armenian Fund.
1995 – Premiere on Armenian television. 

PRESS about the film “TERM: 7 days”.

“The hospitable Chamber Theatre has become a kind of legend for its fans”.
Varuzhan Nazaretyan “When theatre makes a film”, “Ekran”, 1991.

The film “Term: 7 Days” was complex in its structure, plot, and expressions, therefore requiring an unusual approach. It is one of those unique works where one should speak not of the advantages but of the strength of the idea, which overshadows everything else.
…The film has an undeniable advantage. It’s educated, devoid of narrow-national tendencies…”
V.Nazaretyan, “Ekran”, 1992.

Anniversary Client

“ERKAT” Production, supported by National Cinema Center of Armenia.

-Running Time: 78 min.

-Director: Ara Yernjakyan      

-Scriptwriter: Ara Yernjakyan   

-Cast: Luiza Nersisyan, David Katsarava (Georgia)

-Director of Photography: Suren Tadevosyan  

-Composer: Hayk Hakobyan (Hayko)

-Production Designer: Rafael Khachaturyan 

-Sound: Levon Navasardyan

-Editor: Karen Melkumyan

-Producer: Ara Yernjakyan, Arshaluys Harutyunyan  

Բեմադրող նկարիչ` Ռաֆայել Խաչատուրյան

Կոմպոզիտոր` Հայկո

Ֆիլմի տնօրեն` Արշալույս Հարությունյան

A classical conflict of a man and a woman, which reaches real absurd.

After a passionate night, the man decides to leave silently without letting the woman know. And he would of course have left, if he had found his cloths before the heroine woke up.

However the woman, who wakes up under the impression of the passionate flirt, does not know anything about the intentions of the hero and continuous to be courteous and caring towards the strange but already beloved person.  

And here starts the first of sudden conversions. 

The man should leave.

Naturally, there comes a flow of emotions, unexpectedness, insult…

But the woman’s instinct of self-protection makes her to play a game to conceal the insult and she pretends that the man has spent the night with a whore, who sells love to anyone; however he does not have to pay as he is anniversary client and is served for free.

This incident raises another flow of emotions and passions.

Incredible transitions and psychological conflicts, sudden outbursts, love and disappointment, regret and happiness, sharp and frank dialogues all in one hour. 

Rule of chance, which is capable to change the destiny: ordinary flirt and unusual denouement. 


The woman, who wakes up under the impression of the passionate flirt, does not know anything about the intentions of the man and continues her courteous and caring attitude to the stranger who is already a beloved person. There comes a flow of emotions, unexpectedness, insult… But the woman’s instinct of self-protection makes her play a game, which turns into a flow of emotions and passions. Sudden outbursts, love and disappointment, regret and happiness, rule of chance, which is capable of changing destinies: ordinary flirt and unusual denouement…

01.2011 – Shooting of the film “Anniversary client”. Scriptwriter and director – Ara Yernjakyan.

01.12.2011 – Toronto, Canada, film “Anniversary client” (author scenario and director – A. Yernjakyan, cast – Luiza Nersisyan, David Katsarava (Georgia)) was presented at the 6th annual Pomegranate Film Festival [POM VI] presented by Hamazkayin.

03.03.2012 – Premiere of the film “Anniversary client” (author scenario and director – A. Yernjakyan, cast – Luiza Nersisyan, David Katsarava (Georgia)) in the “Moscow” cinema in Yerevan.

03.03.2012 – USA, Glendale. In “Beyond the Stars Palace” took place the premiere of the film “Anniversary visitor” (author scenario and director – A. Yernjakyan, cast – Luiza Nersisyan, David Katsarava (Georgia)). The organizer – ASA Art Corporation; www.AsaArtInc.com

On July 13, 2012  feature film “Anniversary Client” was presented on the 9th Yerevan International film festival “Golden Apricot”, at “Armenian panorama” competition (author scenario and director – Ara Yernjakyan).

06.09.2012 – Georgia, Tbilisi; took place the premiere of the film “100 000 seconds” (“Anniversary Client”), scriptwriter and director – Ara Yernjakyan, cast – Luiza Nersisyan and David Katsarava (Georgia).

October 3, 4, 6 2012 – Romania, Bucharest. “Anniversary Client”, director Ara Yernjakyan, was presented on The eighth edition of the annual event Romania International Film Festival (Ro-IFF), in Competition CineBlackSea, which takes place between September 27 and October 7 at the Union Theatre (Paul Calinescu) of the Romanian Cinematheque, the Romanian National Peasant’s Museum and Fabrica Club. 

03-09.12.2012 – Georgia, Tbilisi. Feature film “100 000 seconds” (“Anniversary Client”), author scenario and director – Ara Yernjakyan, was presented on The 13th Tbilisi International Film Festival (cast – Luiza Nersisyan and David Katsarava (Georgia)).

28.04.2013 – Luiza Nersisyan was presented to annual National Film Award “HAYAK” in the category “Best Actress” in the film “Jubilee visitor”.


“Miss Armenia” Beauty & Elegance Competition

1996-2000 first in Caucasus the Chamber Theatre started “Miss Armenia” Beauty and Elegance Competition.
Representatives of the contest “Miss Armenia” participated in international competitions: “Miss Europe”, “Miss Asia and Oceania”, “Miss Transcaucasia”, “Miss Tourism”, “Miss CIS”, “Golden Fortune”, “Miss Russian Radio”, “Beauty of the South of Russia”, “Miss Tourism of the Globe’, “American Dream Girl”, etc.
Within 5 years, Armenian beauties took part in 15 major international competitions, winning 3 grand prizes and 15 titles.


Since 1994, the Cultural Center has been successfully operating in the Chamber Theater, whose task is to promote Armenian art. One of the points of the Center’s work was the opening on June 24, 1994 of the Picture Gallery, where from the first day exhibitions of both young and famous artists of Armenia began to be arranged.
At the beginning of each exhibition, a presentation is organized, to which television, the press, artists, critics, guests of the capital, representatives of the embassy, ​​and art lovers are invited. Gallery activities are charitable.
Amateurs and professionals actively attend exhibitions of the theater. As a rule, the spectator who came to the play of the theater first gets to the exhibition.
The picture gallery of the theater is a cozy room with a fireplace and a small cafe.
Every two weeks – here is a new exhibition: F. Yeghiazaryan, V. Podpomogov, R. Arutchyan, H. Akopyan, Sh. Shahiryan, A. Tarumyan, T. Matulyan, M. Ulikyan – this is a partial list of artists.
The exhibition gallery of the theater is called “Ferrum Gallery” or “The place where artists gather.”  The exhibitions in the Chamber Theater find answers in the press, on television, in the guest book: “Still, life is beautiful, you proved it …”, “Thank you for the hospitality, for the beautiful hall, for the warmth, for the love …”.


On the joint initiative of the Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sports of the Republic of Armenia and the Yerevan State Chamber Theater, within the framework of the “Chamber Exhibitions” art project, in the “ErKat” Gallery of the Chamber Theater, during 2018 – 2019 years, held an exhibition of paintings by artists: Vahram Mikaelyan (Sercy Khent), Zhora Avagyan, Armen Atanyan, Andranik Mkhitaryan (Andranik Susertsi), Vahe Van Poghosyan.
The art project “Chamber Exhibitions” gave an opportunity to young, unrecognized, possibly even forgotten artists living in Yerevan and the regions of Armenia, present their art-works to the public.


27.03.2009 – The annual “Artavazd” prize was awarded to Lili Elbakyan in the nomination “Best youngest actress” for her performance in “It Doesn’t Matter With Whom”.

Vahe Ziroyan

Date of Birth03․12․1990
Place of BirthYerevan
EducationDepartments of Dhol and Piano at the Avet Terteryan School of Music
2017 – Honorary Diploma from the Ministry of Culture of Armenia,
2022 – Honorary Diploma from the Mayor of Yerevan. 

Vahe Ziroyan’s creative journey began in 2009 when he joined the Club of Funny and Inventive (KVN), and after successful performances, he received an invitation to collaborate with the “32 Teeth” club.
In 2013, Ziroyan joined the Chamber Theatre as an actor. He has performed in various productions, including “Magic Ball,” “Cabaret,” “Linsi Show Program” (“Albania+”), “Government Concert,” “White Storks,” “Love Confession,” “Armmageddon,” “Show #3,” “Romeo & Juliet,” “Cabaret Restart,” “Hamlet,” “Wanted: A Man,” “Fe-Show,” “B-14/27,” and more.
His debut in cinema took place in the feature film “It’s Me.” He later appeared in films such as Ara Ernjakyan’s “Zhanna,” Roman Musheghyan’s “Trap,” and Arshalyus Harutyunyan’s “Our Yard 25 Years Later.”
Ziroyan has also been featured in TV series like “Someone Else’s Soul,” “Purgatory,” “Red Hill,” “If I Find You,” “Countdown,” “Together,” “Fathers,” “Until Tomorrow,” “Live with Me,” and the music video “Inside My Head” by Garik Papoyan. Alongside Hasmik Danielyan, he implemented the project “H&Z.”
He participated in sitcoms like “Stone Pain,” “Why Womens,” “Plan B,” “+-23,” and in plays such as “Family Without a Roof,” “Hotel California,” “Boomerang,” and “Kin-Code.” Ziroyan also took part in the TV project “Women’s Club” and served as a jury member in the “League of Humor 4” project.
In 2014, Ziroyan participated in the musical project “The Voice of Armenia,” reaching the “knockout stage” thanks to his vocal talents. 
