
“ERKAT” Cultural Centre

The opening ceremony of cultural center “ERKAT” took place in Yerevan State Chamber Theatre on 10.03.2009.
The idea of Ara Yernjakyan, the Artistic Director of Chamber Theatre, to create a club, where representatives of creative intelligentsia would come together to discuss problems and achievements, brought together a great number of stakeholders. Hence, it was possible to actualize the wonderful idea, given the active support of Ministry of Culture of Republic of Armenia.
The Club “ERKAT” has put forward the following objectives:

  • To actively  advocate for our national heritage;
  • To contribute to vast participation of youth in cultural life of our country;
  • To respectively present national cultural centers, emphasizing the importance of their activity;
  • To contribute to reconsideration of current evaluation criteria regarding the activity of creative workers;
  • To create a  united and harmonious cultural environment in Armenia;
  • To support the promotion and growth of creative youth.

Club discussions were highly successful and since January 2010, “Dispute in Club “ERKAT” has been channeled through the cultural TV channel “Ararat” twice a month, as well as through the satellite channel embracing the whole audience of the Public Television of RA.