The film is dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide.
Melissa Brown, Zhanna Tamizyan, Sofik Sargsyan, Vigen Stepanyan, Aram Karakhanyan, Natela Hovhannesova, Senik Harutyunyan.

Scriptwriter and Director
Every unpunished crime begets a new one. When the human in a person darkens, the beast in him awakens, and the entire history of humanity is a bright proof of that. And the heaviest burden, the cruelest blow in all this falls on children, whose maimed destinies in an instant find themselves in the abyss.
In the short artistic film “Eclipse,” Western Armenia is depicted in the context of the events of 1915. The goal of this film about the Armenian Genocide is to renounce any violence and cruelty, especially towards children.
The plot of the film is complex, psychological, and influential. A painful and realistic image is created on the screen in just a few minutes. innocent victims of crimes, children, deprived of parents and family, whose mutilated destinies in an instant find themselves in the abyss. The slogan of the film is: “Every unpunished crime begets a new one, when humanity in a person darkens, and the entire history of humanity is a bright proof of that”.
The movie “Eclipse” was presented:
13-15.05.2013 – Shooting of the featurette (short film) “Eclipse”.
26.06.2013 – The premiere of the short film “Eclipse”. Scriptwriter and film director – Ara Yernjakyan.
09-11.07.2013 – The short film Ara Yernjakyan “Eclipse” was presented in the competition program “Armenian Panorama” of the 10th International Film Festival “Golden Apricot”.
14.05.2014 – Ara Yernjakyan presented his feature short film “Eclipse” at the 15th International Film Festival of short films «Corti Da Sogni Antonio Ricci» in Ravenna (Italy), held on 14-17 May 2014.
Members of the jury emphasized the work of Ara Yernjakyan, assessing it as “a film shot with a worthy skill, containing a special message of the world about the horrors of war and the devastating consequences of the last especially for children”.
24.06.2014 – On 24th June 2014 in a special program devoted to the 100th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide (Program “Memorial of truth”), at the Annual International Festival of Modern Art and Spiritual and Moral Films “FRESCO” (Armenia, Yerevan) was presented Ara Yernjakyan’s short film “Eclipse”.
In the category Best Festival message: “The damaged needs to recover”, recognized the best short film “Eclipse”, Armenia, 2013, Scriptwriter and film director – Ara Yernjakyan. Diploma: “Awarded to the participant of the “Fresco” Annual International Festival of Modern Art and Spiritual-Moral Films. The author of “Eclipse” film Ara Yernjakyan is known as a winner in “The damaged needs to recover” nomination.
15.11.2014 – A short film by Ara Yernjakyan “Eclipse” was presented at the 17th Annual Arpa International Film Festival (The Spielberg Theatre, Egyptian, Hollywood).
23.03.2015 – On the Parisian “Europe Film Act” International Film Festival (Paris, France, Festival de films de la Grande Europe L’Europe Autour de l’Europe “Corps et Âmes”, 10-ème édition, Paris, 2015) within the program “Never Again” of the “Golden Apricot” Film Festival dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide, Ara Yernjakyan presented his short film “Eclipse”.
* The program “Never Again” was also presented Ara Yernjakyan’s short film “Eclipse” during film screenings dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide:
– on February 24 in the capital of Belarus – Minsk;
– in Berlin, During the month of the Armenian culture in Germany under the headline “Petition” (March 7 – April 6, 2015);
– during the Vilnius Kino Pavasaris 20th jubilee International Film Festival (Lithuania, March 29, 2015).
04.07.2015 – Russian Federation, Vologda; The short feature film “Eclipse” (director and screenwriter Ara Yernjakyan), dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide, was presented at the VI VOICES (Vologda Independent Cinema from European Screens) International Festival of feature films.
15.07.2015 – As part of the non-competitive film program “We Exist” of 12th Yerevan International Film Festival “Golden Apricot”, dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide in the Ottoman Empire, has been shown short film “Eclipse” by Ara Yernjakyan.
09–19.10.2015 – As part of the International Film Festival “Religion Today Film Festival”, which took place in Italy from 9 to 19 October 2015, on October 11 in Trento, on October 23 in Argo and on October 19 in Merano, was presented the short feature film “Eclipse”, film director and screenwriter Ara Yernjakyan, dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide.
22.11.2015 – Short feature film “Eclipse”, screenwriter and film director Ara Yernjakyan, was presented in Toronto (Canada) at the 10th Pomegranate Film Festival, POM-X at Toronto Chapter of the Hamazkayin Armenian Educational and Cultural Society.
18.01.2016 – The short feature film “Eclipse” (director and screenwriter Ara Yernjakyan), dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide, was presented on 14th Dhaka International Film Festival (Bangladesh).
16.03.2016 – New York, USA; Ara Yernjakyan’s short film “Eclipse”, dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide, was presented on New York SR – Socially Relevant Film Festival.
Short film “Eclipse” was awarded the Best Narrative Short Award.
24.04.2017 – A short film by Ara Yernjakyan “Eclipse” was presented at the First Annual Armenian Film Festival in Los Angeles (AFFINLA) at The Writers Guild of America.