
Mkhitar Avetisyan

Date of Birth28․06․1977
Place of BirthYerevan
EducationYerevan State Institute of Theatre and Cinematography, Raphael Jrbashyan's Workshop
2015 – Commemorative Medal “Honorary Cultural Figure of the City of Yerevan”,
2017 – Certificate of Honor from the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Armenia. 

During his studies at the Theatre Institute, Mkhitar Avetisyan simultaneously performed in plays at the Yerevan State National Theatre: “Vokzal” by G. Matevosyan, “Christmas in the House of Senor Cappello” by E. de Filippo, “Poor Petros,” “Dragon” by E. Schwartz, “Chalice of Kindness” by W. Saroyan, “Let’s Dream” by Sasha Gitri, “Bear” by Chekhov, and others.
In 2001-2003, he worked at the Yerevan National Academic Theatre named after G. Sundukyan, from 2003-2005 in the Youth Experimental State Theatres of Yerevan as an actor, from 2004-2009 on Armenian Public Television as a film dubber. In 2006-2007 at the “32 Teeth” Club.
In 2009-2010, he hosted the program “Taxi TV” on ATV, and since 2009 – the popular science program “Traces of Events” on “Yerkir-Media.”
After a hiatus from 2004 to 2018, Mkhitar Avetisyan returned to work at the Yerevan National Theatre. Since 2021, he has also participated in the plays “Name” and “Dear Pamela” at the State Theatre named after G. Malian.
Mkhitar Avetisyan has been working at the Chamber Theatre since 2007, playing roles in several plays: “Cabaret,” “Albania+,” “Government Concert,” “To Arms,” “Armageddon,” “Scotch and Whiskey,” “Call of the Fireflies,” “Very Love Story,” “Romeo and Juliet,” “White Storks,” “Nazar, Nazar, to the End,” “Hamlet,” “5+1 Stories about Love,” “Behind the Scenes, or Anatomy of the Theatre.”
Mkhitar Avetisyan has also appeared in films and TV series such as “Zhanna,” “Glade of Deer,” “Fathers,” “White,” “Lola,” “Three Comrades,” “Diary of a Cross-Keeper,” “Age of Love,” “Oath,” “Zhirayr Glents,” and more. He has participated in TV projects like “Bookmark,” a play dedicated to Charents’ 125th anniversary, and others. 


Grigor Baghdasaryan

Date of Birth20․02․1963
Place of BirthYerevan
EducationYerevan State Institute of Theatre and Cinematography, workshop of Zaven Tavtian
2007 – Republican Theatre Festival “Artist” – “Best Male Performer”,
2010 – Certificate of Honor from the Mayor of Yerevan,
2013 – Gold Medal from the Ministry of Culture of RA,
2013 – Honored Actor of RA. 

Grigor Baghdasaryan’s acting career began in the studio of the Chamber Theatre. Only after completing two-year courses and becoming part of the theatre’s repertoire did he decide to enroll in the theatre institute. He has performed in productions such as “Titanic, Made in Armenia,” “Neron,” “Bedford Drive 610: I Am American,” “Miss Hell,” “Sassoon David Copperfield,” “Anter Ground,” “Cabaret,” “Government Concert,” “To Arms,” “Albania+,” “Very Love Story,” “Etude About Women,” “Romeo and Juliet,” “Hamlet,” “Caesar’s Feast,” and others.
Grigor Baghdasaryan presented a solo performance, “Childhood for 2 Dollars,” based on Arthur Miller’s play “Death of a Salesman.”
He has appeared in films directed by Ara Ernjakyan, including “Deadline: 7 Days,” “Armenikum UPSA,” “Zhanna,” as well as numerous other artistic films and TV projects like “Instead of Another,” “Honest Thieves,” “Roots,” “North-South,” “Be Happy,” “Agent 044,” “Game of Chess,” “Accidental Happiness,” “Ambush,” “Angel School,” “The Secret of Shahmara,” “Elen’s Diary,” “Purgatory,” “See You in the Cabin in the Woods,” “In the City,” “Involuntary Millionaire,” “Anna,” “Artist,” “Open Your Eyes,” “Lucky,” “Avenger,” and many more.
Baghdasaryan has also performed in improvisational plays “And Then” and “After 40 Days of Ascension.”
He is the author and performer of more than 50 songs, for which he has been awarded certificates from the Armenian song festivals “Sayat-Nova” and “Krunk.”
Grigor Baghdasaryan is a member of the Union of Theatre Workers. 


Titanic, made in Armenia


Arshaluys Harutyunyan
Grigor Baghdasaryan
Manuk Hakhverdyan
Catherine Manasyan

“Titanic-2,” renamed “Noah’s Ark,” tries to save the remnants of humanity. Passengers and crew board another ark. The passengers of the ship are the audience, and the crew consists of the Captain, his assistant Admiral Sako, the Poet, who was taken directly before the flight and they can’t decide what he will do during the voyage, whether he will be a radio operator or the first Armenian astronaut. Two other crew members, Maestro and Handsome, also perform various duties depending on the situation. And many problems arise on the ship because the ark is actually our home, which everyone wants to “improve.” And when as a result of those “home-building transformations” the ark begins to sink, it turns out that it is not so easy to leave it and save, the ship is under siege. At the end of the play, the “rain that lasted 40 days and nights” finally stops, and hope for salvation is born, especially when one of the film crew notices Mount Ararat in the distance. However, the other crew members explain to him that the contours of Ararat have always been visible. In other words, nothing has changed, the ark has not moved… The play intertwines music and humor.


Ara Ernjakyan
Dramaturg & Director

Cello Sonata


Arshaluys Harutyunyan
Catherine Manasyan

In addition to interesting and attractive material, this drama also carries a second message: the play is dedicated to the immortal memory of the great artist Sergei Parajanov.
In the play “Cello Sonata,” the Woman and the Man are denoted by faces. There is also the Artist, who, however, is no longer alive and whom these two destroyed with their hatred and envy. The Artist is always an accident, isn’t it? A misfortune for those around, and first of all for yourselves.
All actions in the play are based on the tense dialogue of the two characters. They try to answer: “Doesn’t art bring relief?” Is art necessary, since it makes people unhappy? Why do evil people hate the creator so much?”
The material of the play has touched all humanity throughout its history. It touches on both universal human problems and the conflict and intolerance of bright personalities and creators with false values and distorted moral norms and rules of coexistence, entrenched in society and mediocrity, necessarily with emotions and manifestations inherent in genius.


Ara Yernjakyan 
Dramaturg and Director

Call of the Fireflies


George Amiragov
Sergey Danielyan / Arturo Sayan
Catherine Manasyan / Luiza Nersisyan
Grigor Baghdasaryan / Mkhitar Avetisyan
Nonna Grigoryan
Hasmik Danielyan
Rafayel Yeranosyan / Senik Barseghyan
Andranik Harutyunyan / Sergey Hayrapetyan

This is a unique farcical comedy, the heroes of which are popular and well-known characters of dramatic works, who, finding themselves in unexpected and unusual situations, become victims of coincidences.
This strange and colorful spectacle, with the usual theatrical techniques and innovations for the genre, is a real emotional fireworks display. 


Ara Yernjakyan 
Dramaturg and Director



Rafayel Eranosyan
Ani Lupe
Senik Barseghyan

A “time machine” was created by stage convention, easily performing miracles. And here we are in Ancient Egypt, beside the pharaohs. The audience sitting in the hall, somehow surviving a nuclear catastrophe, is offered to board spacecraft. However, an Egyptian appears and loudly announces that boarding is delayed for 2 hours, and three uninvited guests are given the opportunity to talk about themselves, about the universal, about evil and good, right and wrong, whose eternal struggle moves life forward.
A unique dialogue with the audience begins, dedicated to one of the most important problems of modern times: the responsibility of the generation for the fate of the planet, for the nervous, often terrifying mosaic life of today’s world. This is the confession of the arrogant, stubborn, cynical, impudent, and reckless children of the 21st century.
A huge amount of information, a large number of witty expressions, unexpected content transitions make the audience engage in the action on stage from the first exclamation, enticing them with an unusual form of dialogue (through the auditorium), emphasized rhythm, aided not only by lighting, musical, and plastic means, but also by the text itself throughout is kept in a strict rhythm, reminiscent of a poem in prose.
A political pamphlet, a show on international themes, a satirical panorama, problems of spiritual poverty in the modern world, devaluation of feelings such as love, kindness, justice, morals.
This play is notable for its semantic significance, anti-war, and peace message.
The play “Gentlemen…” is about the youth searching for answers to many contemporary questions. Filled with humor and music, this play engages in an honest conversation with the audience, dissuading them from indifference, spiritual poverty, emotional depreciation, and passivity, otherwise, disaster is inevitable. 


Ara Yernjakyan 
Dramaturg and Director

No Men, No Problems


Eva Khachatryan
Nonna Grigoryan
Sofia Soghomonyan
Armine Nazari-Dekhnavi

Woman, man, love, family, freedom – here, we will talk about these eternal questions, feel sad, and rejoice.


Ara Yernjakyan 
Dramaturg and Director

Man Wanted Remake

Premiere 01.03.2021

Classic conflict between a man and a woman…
The performance “A Man Is Required” is about a search for love. The heroes of the play are two
people who feel spiritual emptiness. There are no feelings and any affection inside them.
Beatrice desires for love. Jan has lost his hope for a real feeling long ago.
At first Jan evokes an interest in her, and then she experiences a feeling distantly reminding love.
Beatrice almost artificially tries to make herself believe that at last it is he. All her methods face to
Jan’s cold practicalness. It seems that now she will win and everything will revive both in her soul
and in her life. Jan, a little tempted by a probable change in his life, changes sharply and now
frankly tries to call in her disgust towards him, maybe he hates himself, but it is too late, nothing can
be changed.
The coming of a new guest, who has read Beatrice’s announcement about the searches of a man and
who will make her laugh, move her to pity, who will tempt her and will get an award for it, means
that the search is still continued.



Man Wanted


Luiza Nersisyan
Arshaluys Harutyunyan

…They told him that if you love someone, you don’t think about the things that hurt to think about, and you don’t feel the drought inside…

But what is love?
“If you can be intrigued, moved, and seduced, it means you’re already in love…”

He wrote an application and promised a reward…
Men came, then others, then he came…
and declared that he succeeded…

A classic conflict between a man and a woman, reaching the point of absolute absurdity.
This psychological drama is a story of the search for love. Although the times of love and romance have irrevocably passed, the characters are in an endless quest.
The stirring and cheerful Beatrice, in her abandoned castle, in her invented fairy tale, plays with unexperienced feelings without despair, while the principled and extreme Jean, with his unbridled perseverance, defends his solitude and absolute freedom. Meanwhile, both are utterly clueless about real love.
Here, the collision between man and woman reaches the point of absolute absurdity, and a good ending is replaced by a cruel test to search and find again… And so it goes on as long as life continues… 


David Abrahamyan

Director, Actor
Date of Birth25․12․1998
Place of BirthYerevan
EducationYerevan State Institute of Theatre and Cinema, workshop of Satenik Matevosyan

David Abrahamyan works at the Chamber Theatre as an actor, director, and playwright. The plays he has written and directed are part of the theatre’s program and are in high demand among the audience. He joined the theatre during his school years as a props assistant. His first professional play at the Chamber Theatre was “The Armenian and the Armenian,” where he served as a playwright, director, and lead actor. This was followed by the play “5+1: A Love Story,” which was nominated in several categories at the “Artavazd” awards. Eva Khachatryan, the lead actress of the play, received the award for “Best Actress of the Year.”
In 2021 and 2022, David Abrahamyan was nominated for the “Artavazd” awards in the categories of “Best Young Director of the Year” and “Best Youth Play of the Year.” In 2022, he directed his original play “Behind the Scenes, or Anatomy of the Theatre” at the Chamber Theatre, where he is also engaged as an actor.
David Abrahamyan began his acting career while still a student, directing plays such as “+1,” “Invisible,” and “Oxygen,” which participated in various international festivals. 
