
Cello Sonata


Arshaluys Harutyunyan
Catherine Manasyan

In addition to interesting and attractive material, this drama also carries a second message: the play is dedicated to the immortal memory of the great artist Sergei Parajanov.
In the play “Cello Sonata,” the Woman and the Man are denoted by faces. There is also the Artist, who, however, is no longer alive and whom these two destroyed with their hatred and envy. The Artist is always an accident, isn’t it? A misfortune for those around, and first of all for yourselves.
All actions in the play are based on the tense dialogue of the two characters. They try to answer: “Doesn’t art bring relief?” Is art necessary, since it makes people unhappy? Why do evil people hate the creator so much?”
The material of the play has touched all humanity throughout its history. It touches on both universal human problems and the conflict and intolerance of bright personalities and creators with false values and distorted moral norms and rules of coexistence, entrenched in society and mediocrity, necessarily with emotions and manifestations inherent in genius.


Ara Yernjakyan 
Dramaturg and Director