Author of the play – Ara Yernjakyan.
Director – Lusine Yernjakyan.
The premiere took place on 26.09.2013 in Yerevan.
What about all the dreams of children? Of course it’s improbable fantastic adventures, brave princes winning evil wizards, wonderful princesses and all miracles.
You can see all this in the remarkable musical fairy tale “Magic Ball”. Yes, not only you’ll see, but also you’ll be able to help Prince and Princess to overcome all obstacles and to win against Evil Wizard that the Magic Ball could begin at least …
If you like adventures, we invite you to journey to the Red Rose Kingdom where joyful, playful, brave heroes like you live.
If Bibabo and his dishonest friends will not spoil the main clock of Kingdom, the Magic Bal will start right on time.
Festivals, Tours:
20.04.2014 – Armenia, Yerevan, musical performance for children “Magic Bal” was presented at the VII Republican Theatre Festival “Theatre X”. Author of the play – Ara Yernjakyan, director of the play – Lusine Yernjakyan.
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